
...said in a low, deep, dramatic voice

December 30, 2005

a poem

The Lord's Wrath

The Lord's wrath is like a mighty hurricane,

Many by His power have been slain,

We may not know why, but it is for some gain,

Now the good news let us proclaim!

The Lords wrath is like a mighty earthquake,

He is the One that makes the mountain shake,

He regulates when a bird falls to the ground,

Or if a mighty sea monster is found!

The Lord's wrath is like a flood with waters high,

When we see catastrophes, the Lord may be drawing nigh,

So let us be ready so we may boldly say,

"I am ready- -the Lord might come today!"

Judson David Greene

December 2005

December 18, 2005

"The Ogre Who Stole Christmas"

the ogre has been brutally beaten and bitten on the ears. he has eaten many elves in his day and yet never brushed his teeth! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwww!


Amapaint picture of gracen.
sorren my nephew.
chloe my niece.

mom my mom
I have been doing pictures like this. I call it . . . AMAPAINT!!!! You see I take a picture and delete everything but the head. then I ask them "If you were a animal what animal would you be?" sometimes I go by what I think they would look good in. and sometimes I just do some weird creature. for instants I once did one of me. It was intitle "The Ogre Who Stole Christmas" [I hope to put that one on later.]

The animal family #1

I have been making picktures of this sort latley.

December 02, 2005

many a greusome battle has been faught at this spot.