I had a lot going on from last Thursday too now (Sunday). On Thursday we went to pick up a trampoline on that I found on on the way to see Katie Karosas Senior Recital at Penn State. On Friday we did skeleton school because my birthday was the next day. Isaac and I set up the new trampoline. It's awesome. We had a soccer game that day. I scored too tie it up too 1-1. Since I scored after being in for five minutes, which is to bad because I was benched the rest of the game (you can only score once). After the game we picked up a bunch of kids for a sleep over. It was fun. I got some neat stuff. I'm now 14. On Saturday their was the soccer alumni game. It was also Ashley Hoffman Day. We were razing money for a Girl from our church who has cancer. We found out they raised over $7,500. They were selling fifty dollar pies and different things like that. I got three hamburgers. They good. I also went to the face painting station an Mrs. Huntington fixed me up with a mustache. Problem is that every other boy by the end of the day had a mustache if not a beard. Alumni beat us 5-2. One guy was a professional soccer player for a Christian team. I''m 14